Take advantage of one-stop-borrowing to become informed and empowered on important health topics!
These convenient kits are provided by Overlook Hospital and the Atlantic Health System, and contain books, DVDS, and informational pamphlets and brochures.
Current subjects include:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Arthritis
- Bereavement & Grief
- Breastfeeding
- Caregiver Health
- Eating Disorders
- Healthy Weight
- Heart Health
- Injury & Fall Prevention
- Mental Health
- Opioid & Substance Abuse
- Pain Management
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Prediabetes
- Prostate Cancer
- Strength Improvement
- Teen Mental Health/Resilience
These kits are available to Scotch Plains resident cardholders. Please review the procedures for borrowing below.
- All Health Literacy Kits must be checked out by an adult Scotch Plains resident cardholder at the Adult Services Desk.
- Only one kit is permitted per cardholder at a time.
- All kits are checked out for two weeks with no renewals. Overdue fees are $5 per day past the due date.
- Holds may be placed on the kits, and picked up at the Adult Services Desk when the kit is available for checkout.
- We reserve the right to inspect the kits in front of the patron before and/or after checkout.
- All Books, CDs, and/or DVDs provided in the kits are to be returned to the Library in the tote bag. The patron is invited to keep the envelope of pamphlets and brochures if they choose.