Loan Periods & Fines

Lending Policies & Lengths

  • Items eligible for renewal will renew automatically one time. No items may be renewed if there have been holds (reservations) placed on them.
  • Holds may be placed on all items, except for magazines, Great Courses, Chromebooks, mobile hotspots, and the telescope.
  • The Library is no longer charging overdue fines for most items. See below for details.
  • You may borrow 2 new (adult) DVDs, plus 4 DVDs from the adult collection, plus 4 DVDs from the juvenile collection.
ItemLimitLoan LengthRenewal?Fine per Day
New Books3Two WeeksYes
High Demand Books3Two WeeksNo$1
Adult & YA Books25Four WeeksYes
Childrens’ Books40Four WeeksYes
Magazines8Two WeeksNo
New Adult DVDs2One WeekNo
Adult DVDs4Two WeeksNo
Childrens’ DVDs4Two Weeks No
Books on CD: Adult6Four WeeksYes
Books on CD: Child3Four WeeksYes
Early Literacy Kits1Two WeeksNo$5
S.T.E.A.M. Kits1Two WeeksNo$5
Health Literacy Totes1Two WeeksNo$5
Mobile Hotspot1Two WeeksNo$10
Chromebook1Two WeeksNo$10
Telescope1One WeekNo$10

Fine-Free Policy

The Library does not charge overdue fines for most items. Removing this barrier to equitable access allows more people to enjoy our materials for education, enrichment and inspiration. This policy was approved by the Board of Trustees in October of 2021.

Please note the following:

  • Fines will be charged if the following items are returned after their due date:
    • Interlibrary loan items (from outside the STELLA consortium): $1 per day
    • Kits — these currently include Health Literacy Kits, Early Literacy Kits, STEM and STEAM kits: $5 per day
    • Technology items — these currently include Chromebooks and WiFi hotspots: $10 per day
    • Our telescope: $10 per day
  • Please note: not every library in the STELLA consortium is fine-free. You are responsible for checking the fine policy if you check out an item in-person at another STELLA library.
  • Once any item is six weeks overdue, it will be considered lost and you will be charged for the unreturned item. The bill will represent the value of the item plus a processing fee. You will not have to pay the bill if you return the item to the Library in good condition.
  • If you are experiencing unusual difficulties in returning library materials, or paying fines or fees, please contact the Library Director.

Paying Fines

Fines may be paid in cash at the Library’s front desk, or online with a credit card. Sign in to SmartPAY with your library card number and PIN to pay fines by credit card.