Library Databases
Login with your library card number.
Reference Solutions – provides accurate data on U.S. businesses and consumers. Features include the ability to create mailing lists, charts, graphs and maps that can be printed or exported. Use it as:
- A directory for finding people or getting contact information for companies
- A resource for starting, managing and growing a business, using options for searching by business type, size, location and more
- A resource to identify target markets and potential customers based on hobbies and interests
- A resource for jobseekers to find potential employers
LinkedIn Learning – access video courses to learn how to manage time and projects; be more productive with business software and technology; and lead yourself, others, and your business over the span of your career. (Content in this resource was previously provided via
Mango Languages – offers specialty courses in conducting business in Latin American Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.
Our databases for newspaper and magazine articles allow you to research business topics and avoid costly subscriptions.
Business Source Premier – search for articles from business publications, and access market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
Regional Business News – search for articles from regional business publications for the US and Canada. Coverage include franchise restaurants, the retail industry, and business planning.
U.S. Major Daily Newspapers Database
Access articles from the 1980s through today with content updated daily.
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- Los Angeles Times
- Chicago Tribune
- The New York Times
The Economist is one of the most recognized current affairs publications in the world. Weekly issues offer award-winning analysis and commentary on politics, business, science, finance, technology and culture. PressReader provides up-to-date access in a full digital replica.
Please note: The Economist is the only title we subscribe to via PressReader.
To access The Economist on the website:
- Go to the PressReader website
- First time users: click Sign In (upper right corner) – do not click Sign Up
- Click Library & Group
- Type Scotch Plains into the search box and select the Library
- Enter your Scotch Plains library card number and PIN and check the box to allow PressReader to verify your registration.
See our Magazines page for information on using the Pressreader app.
Local and State Resources
Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce – the mission of the Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce is to promote business opportunities, economic development and community growth.
Scotch Plains Business and Professional Association – a nonprofit organization non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist and enhance the business community in the Township of Scotch Plains through its networking activities and community involvement. Activities include the sponsorship of the Scotch Plains Farmers Market from May through November each year.
SCORE MetroNJ – offers access to experienced volunteers who can help small business professionals start, manage and grow their business throughout Union, Hudson and Essex counties. Services include free and confidential mentoring along with low-cost or no-cost business training.
Union County Economic Development Corporation – a private non-profit economic development corporation that helps small business by making loans, training and mentoring business owners, helping businesses obtain government contracts, and providing accurate and relevant business information.
New Jersey Business Action Center – part of the NJ Department of State, providing resources and advocates for: financial assistance, technical assistance, workforce development, and navigating government and regulatory agencies at the local, state, and federal level. Offers a free Business Helpline, and a new NJ Small Business Manual.
U.S. Census Bureau Resources
The Census Bureau is dedicated to providing current facts and figures about America’s people, places, and economy.
Census QuickFacts – provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
Census Business Builder – find data to help you start or grow a business or understand the business landscape for a region.