Consumer Reports Magazines and Buying Guides
The Library offers full access to the site!
Login with your library card number for:
- Unlimited access to unbiased ratings and reviews for over 8,500 products and services
- Test scores on performance, safety and reliability
- Shopping advice to save you time and money
- Expert buying guides and how-to videos
- Latest news on recalls, health, money & food
We also keep two years of Consumer Reports magazine and Buying Guides at the Adult Services desk — just ask if you want to see them. (They cannot be checked out, and we do not currently have a copy machine.)
If you want PDF copies of CR articles, search our magazine database (Masterfile Premier) for Consumer Reports articles on the products you are looking for.
Flipster (a digital magazine service) offers another way to view and browse current and past issues of Consumer Reports, Buying Guides, and Consumer Reports on Health. Login with your library card number.
Other Publications with Product Reviews
- Good Housekeeping magazine conducts independent reviews of many household products and appliances:
- You can read selected reviews on their website.
- You can also view and search current and past issues of the magazine on Flipster (see search instructions above):
- Cooks Illustrated magazine does thorough testing of kitchen equipment, including small appliances:
- Their website requires a subscription to read reviews, but you can search for reviews to identify which issue they appeared in, then borrow that issue in digital format on the eLibraryNJ website or with the Libby app.
- Wirecutter is a product recommendation service from The New York Times. The Library does not have a digital subscription, but the site allows you to view 10 free articles a month.
Consumer Advocacy Resources
The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs – offers assistance and information to protect the public from fraud, deceit and misrepresentation in the sale of goods and services. Offices include:
- The Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is the primary investigative section for consumer complaints.
- The New Jersey Lemon Law Unit assists consumers who are experiencing defects in their new car, used car or motorized wheelchair or scooter.
Union County Office of Consumer Affairs – if you believe that a business located in Union County has violated the your rights and the laws of the Consumer Fraud Act, filing a complaint with this office will start the process for helping you attempt to bring resolution to your complaint.
Bureau of Consumer Protection – The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection stops unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices by collecting reports from consumers and conducting investigations, suing companies and people that break the law, developing rules to maintain a fair marketplace, and educating consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities. Services include:
- Submit reports about scammers that cheat people out of money and businesses that don’t make good on their promises.
- Learn how to limit the number of robocalls you receive.