Saturday Storytime
Scotch Plains Public Library 1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch PlainsThe entire family is welcome to join us for this storytime each Saturday! Children and their caregivers can increase language development and comprehension with our stories, songs, and rhymes. Registration…
Ask a Teen Tech Guru: 2:00pm
This program is brought to you by the wonderful volunteers on our Teen Advisory Board! Bring your phone or tablet questions to our teen volunteers! Book a 30-minute session and…
Afro-Peruvian Music Program
This interactive workshop celebrates the heritage of Afro-Peruvian music and its main instrument, the cajón or box drum. Participants will have the opportunity to play the cajón and other percussion instruments, such as the cajita (little box) and the quijada (donkey jawbone), as well as a chance to learn to sing popular songs of the Afro-Peruvian repertoire.
Ask a Teen Tech Guru: 2:30pm
This program is brought to you by the wonderful volunteers on our Teen Advisory Board! Bring your phone or tablet questions to our teen volunteers! Book a 30-minute session and…