Birding Basics: Get Ready for October Big Day

Get ready for October Big Day (Saturday, October 12), a global bird reporting event! SPFHS teacher Zach Rittner, who will introduce us to a variety of free, helpful apps you can download to help you identify birds and report your findings. 

We can help you prepare for and participate in the celebration! SPFHS teacher Zach Rittner, who will introduce us to a variety of free, helpful apps you can download to help you identify birds and report your findings. Then plan to join us at Trailside Nature Center on the 12th for guided birding sessions!

Join us on Thursday, October 10 at the Library for a presentation by SPFHS teacher Zach Rittner, who will introduce us to a variety of free, helpful apps you can download to help you identify birds and report your findings.