The information provided by Scotch Plains Public Library and its employees does not imply medical recommendation, endorsement or approval. Information from these sources are intended for use as general information. All consumer health information should be reviewed with your health care professional for clarification about how this information may or may not apply to your unique clinical situation or overall health.
Would you like help finding information on health or medical topics? Subjects can include these and other related topics:
- Medical conditions or diseases
- Medications and dietary supplements
- Surgical procedures
- Medical tests

Scotch Plains Public Library staff certified in Consumer Health Information by the Medical Library Association are available to help you.
You can submit your questions online through our form, or call us at 908-322-5007, x204 to get started.
You also have the option of using the Consumer Library Information Prescription (CLIP) program, a free medical information service provided by the Atlantic Health System Libraries.