If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the combined STELLA catalog, you may submit a purchase request or an interlibrary loan request.
- You must be a Scotch Plains resident cardholder for these services.
- You may also visit other MURAL libraries to borrow in person.
New Book: Submit a Purchase Request

- If a book or DVD is new (published or released within the last six months), submit a purchase request.
Interlibrary Loan Book Requests

- If a book or DVD was published more than six months ago, request an interlibrary loan
Article Requests
- If you need a copy of an article, check our online databases. If you don’t find the full-text, check our Article Finder, then submit your request if needed. A pdf copy will be forwarded to your email if we are able to obtain it.
Book Chapter Requests
- If you only need one chapter from a book, you can submit a request and we will try to get a copy for you. A pdf copy will be forwarded to your email if we are able to obtain it.
Information for Other Libraries
- The Scotch Plains Public Library participates in the the statewide JerseyCat system. Libraries outside the system, including out-of-state libraries, may submit requests via email to [email protected]. We do not charge for loans or pdf copies.