Bring Your Own Book Club
Tell us what you've been reading lately -- this is the book discussion group with no assigned reading!
Adventurers Wanted: Dungeons & Dragons Club!
Run by teens • No experience needed • Snacks will be provided Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game where players use characters to play and embark upon…
Ask a Teen Tech Guru: 5pm
This program is brought to you by the wonderful volunteers on our Teen Advisory Board! Bring your phone or tablet questions to our teen volunteers! Book a 30-minute session and…
Ask a Teen Tech Guru: 5:30pm
This program is brought to you by the wonderful volunteers on our Teen Advisory Board! Bring your phone or tablet questions to our teen volunteers! Book a 30-minute session and…
Home Electrification
Learn how to electrify your home and take advantage of available rebates and incentives.
Wednesday Movie
Scotch Plains Public Library 1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ, United StatesDrop in downstairs for North by Northwest. Anyone under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Let’s Create Studio – 3D Art!
Scotch Plains Public Library 1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ, United StatesStudents in 3rd to 7th grade are invited to participate in this monthly hands-on creativity workshop. We will be creating 3D Art! Registration is required and will open on Monday,…
Balance Awareness (2025)
Join us Friday mornings on Zoom for a different approach to exercise! These innovative classes are designed to address the loss of balance and strength that can occur as we age.
Blood Pressure Clinic
Scotch Plains Public Library 1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ, United StatesA Union County nurse will be in the Adult Room to take blood pressure readings and share educational materials. Walk-ins welcome.
Saturday Storytime
Scotch Plains Public Library 1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ, United StatesThe entire family is welcome to join us for this storytime each Saturday! Children and their caregivers can increase language development and comprehension with our stories, songs, and rhymes. Registration…