The Scotch Plains Public Library has bulletin boards for use by the public to announce not-for-profit community organizations, to announce and advertise special events and/or fund raisers for the public domain of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood area.
- Only non-profit organizations may post notices on the bulletin boards. This privilege is open to local community organizations to announce and advertise for the public domain.
- All announcements and posters must be reviewed and posted by the library staff. Announcements and posters must be tastefully done, and the Library reserves the right to refuse to post any piece of material.
- Items will be posted or made available on an equitable basis, subject to available space, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups represented.
- All items to be posted must be dated. No items can be returned by the library.
- Posting of a notice or placement of materials in a display rack does not imply endorsement by the Library staff or Board of Trustees.