Voting Information & Resources

Voting by Mail

 Previously referred to as “Absentee Voting.”  No excuses are required to Vote By Mail.  

Early In-Person Voting

Union County In-person early voting locations will be open from Saturday, October 26 through Sunday, November 3.

Polling locations will be open from 10am to 8pm, Monday through Saturday, and from 10am to 6 pm on Sundays.

Voting on Nov. 5

Vote in person at your polling place from 6 am to 8 pm on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5.

Bringing your sample ballot to the polls can speed up the voting process, as poll clerks can scan the bar code to quickly access your information.

Union County Votes

Visit the Union County Votes page for detailed information for local voters.

The Union County Vote app provides on-the-go access to up-to-date information and guidance on a wide-range of voting-related matters.

Research the Candidates & Their Positions

  • VoteSmart – enter a candidate’s name for information including bio, positions, votes, and funding.
  • Ballotpedia – enter your address to view a sample ballot, and get information on the candidates, including biography, and campaign themes.
  • Vote411 – provides personalized ballot and candidate Information.

Fact-Checking Resources

  • — A nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters; a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Politifact — Compiled by the staff of the Tampa Bay Times newspaper, Politifact aims to rate the truthfulness of statements made by candidates and pundits. 

News & Information Resources

Don’t be frustrated by paywalls! Our Online Newspaper and Magazine page gives you access to local, national, and international news sources with your Library card number.

Voting Rights